Other University Research on Invisibility

2017 China fools the World with Invisibility Hoax

When I went to a gathering of industry at the U.S. Army Research Lab in 2010 regarding their Phase 3 Camouflage Improvement Effort, I was paired up with a British Military scientist as we were both foreign nationals on a sensitive military base so we shared a security officer that was with us at all times while we were on the base. At lunch we began talking and I brought up an article about the British claiming to make a tank invisible and he laughed and said that he was there and the tank was far from invisible. He said, in typical British tabloid fashion they asked him what was the future of camouflage for the tank and he said, once it’s invisible then we will finally have an effective camouflage. The article incorrectly claimed the tank was invisible and changed his comments to reflect the same. When he began to attempt to contact them to correct the story, it was decided by others that it might not be a bad idea to make any adversaries to think the British had a secret invisibility technology and thus the incorrect story was left alone. (1)
The Japanese cloak of invisibility is an illusion of invisibility as they have a camera placed behind the target and a projector in front but out of site of the camera projecting onto the cloak which is made from a pliable projector screen material. Move left or right of the perspective and the illusion doesn’t line up with the background.

This green or blue screen special effect is easy with the right software

This individual shows how to duplicate this effect

His second video explains how he did it.

What you are actually seeing is just poor video quality, anything moving fast creates an image blur which can be confirmed by watching the two Hummers enter and watching the back of the vehicles. This blurring can also be seen on the initial tank that enters and it moves on the video and it can be seen on the soldier legs as they are walking near the end of the video.  

If it was a light bending uniform, it doesn’t do a good job when he slows down as you can see him clearly.
(The second half of the video above shows the Japanese Cloak which I discuss shortly.)

So why has this video remained popular among conspiracy theorists that the military had this way back then? The military didn't confirm or deny it and there may be a good reason for this. See next paragraph for the answer.

The Japanese cloak of invisibility

by Guy Cramer. President/CEO of Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp. and inventor of Quantum Stealth (Light Bending Material)
 Now that we’ve released over 100 minutes of video confirmation of our patent pending light bending material (Invisibility Cloak) we call Quantum Stealth, which are all available to watch at  www.hyperstealth.com. I want to review other claims, attempts and outright hoaxes to set the record straight as there is a lot of confusion about us actually being the first to accomplish this.

Invisible Soldier in Iraq War Video

Many people point to a grainy low definition video from early in the Iraq war as proof that the U.S. had the technology way back then. The video shows an M1 tank driving over an IED which is detonated under the tank. That tank rolls out of frame and a second tank comes up to protect the first, a few hummers then drive up from behind the second tank and soldiers get out. A seemingly invisible soldier runs in from the right of the screen to then climb up onto the second tank protecting the first. We see the soldier when he slows down and climbs on the tank. 
The University of Rochester Cloak from 2014 is impressive from head on however, looking from the side you find out that 4 lenses are required at a few feet away from each other, don’t put anything directly in the middle of the lenses, so if there is a gap between your fingers, the effect looks like part of your hand is missing.

The University of Rockester cloak of invisibility

In 2017 the world was fooled by a green screen trick used in movies and TV shows when China claimed they had developed the Quantum Invisibility Cloak, borrowing from Hyperstealth’s trade names. The video went viral and had over 20 million hits in the first week. It has since been determined to be a hoax but many of those people that saw the video in the first week are still not aware that it was a hoax. (3)

The Professor behind the first Invisibility Cloak was knighted by the Queen for this work in 2012

Professor Sir John Pendry (theoretical physicist) is the leading theorist in optical materials in the world today who is currently working at the Imperial College in London. In 2000, Sir John published a series of papers building on forgotten work by Russian physicist Victor Veselago from 1968, which laid the theoretical ground for the development of special left-handed or metamaterials that could be used to form perfect lenses.
In 2008 he developed invisibility cloak layout of a copper cylinder (shown below) that was able to bend microwaves around an object which proved that these waves could be bent. Visual invisibility was not achieved but this experiment demonstrated that bending light (which is just a different frequency from microwaves) was a probability and not an impossibility.  
Professor Sir John Pendry has been working with college and university teams on creating lenses which have demonstrated cloaking in very small objects such as a few microns to a transparent calcite crystal of 10 centimeters across and 10 centimeters thick which could bend light behind it demonstrating proof of concept. A material that is as thick as it is wide is impractical when scaled up to hide larger assets. See his Ted Talk presentation below.

Professor Sir John Pendry was contacted by David Hambling to review our Hyperstealth videos and comment for an article for New Scientist, he described it to David as " an ingenious application of classical optics". David shared this with me but did not include it in the article. What he did include from the Professor " This is a limited, but useful, form of invisibility,". (9)

 Engineering professor Andrea Alú explains metamaterials and their ability to bend electromagnetic waves and potentially light waves one day based off the 1968 theoretical work of Russian physicist Victor Veselag.

In the video above he points out that Victor Veselag theorized that if this theoretical material existed, it would bend light but items would be in mirror reverse and that is exactly what happens with our patent pending Version-2 material in the video below . 

Our modified lenticular material is not a hoax but the fact that every time a green screen video was released claiming this group or person had created an invisibility material, I would be bombarded with texts and Emails by friends, shareholders who had never seen our material and even advisors who had seen our actual product at military demonstrations I had done, believing that someone had either stolen our idea or had stumbled onto something equal or better.

Lenticular lens material has been available for decades (it was developed in the late 1920's) and our cloaks could have been easily developed by someone prior to World War II, imagine the significance if one or both sides had this during the war. The outcome would likely be much different.

Why wasn’t this discovered long ago. Most Physicists thought it was impossible and as such there was no real research effort into finding a solution, no funding could be or would be granted to this "science fiction". When I demonstrated to the Chief Scientist at PEO Soldier (Program Executive Office) of the U.S. Army and he determined I was actually bending light, he told me they could not provide funding as invisibility was thought to be impossible so we don’t have a requirement to make an object invisible.  

I can tell you that people seeing it in person usually have a stunned look when their brain tries to determine what is happening, why can they see the table but not the big object on it?

Quantum Stealth is still in prototype stage, the manufactured product should look extremely clear in comparison to the prototypes shown throughout the videos. For those that claim they can "see the lens" or "see the blur where the target is" need to take that into account. I also need to point out that in real world combat, engagement distances are typically 40 to 50 yards and not within 10 feet of the lens like every one of my videos demonstrate. This won't be a blurry rectangle on the battlefield, it will be "nothing" of the sort!  

Are we the first to accomplish true invisibility? The first to theorize that bending light could potentially make something invisible was this was Russian physicist Victor Veselag in 1967. The first to demonstrate that you could bend a wave to make something invisible, albeit in the microwave spectrum was Professor Sir John Pendry in 2008. In 2010 I discovered that the lenticular lens could bend light and was able to demonstrate such to the military in 2011. The resulting years brought about numerous Versions which both confirmed Victor Veselag's theoretical properties and Professor Sir John Pendry's expectations that bending the microwave spectrum would lead to the visible spectrum one day. Their team had recently shown that it could be done with a 10-centimeter piece of natural calcite crystal which is now known as the Birmingham Calcite Cloak, but this is a thick material which would be cumbersome and expensive to scale up to real world applications. 

If someone asked who was the first to make a practical invisibility cloak that functioned in the visible spectrum then the answer would be Guy Cramer and we could include broadband invisibility cloak into that description. Broadband would mean; Near Ultraviolet, Visible, Near Infrared, Shortwave Infrared, and Thermal Spectrums as seen in the video below.  

British Military claim to make tank invisible


The History of Invisibility is Full of Deception and Disinformation

Invisibility Invented

Israeli Company, Polaris Solutions, claims to have achieved an "Invisibilty Cloak" in 2021

While their technology is virtually “undetectable” within the infrared and thermal spectrums, it is not an invisibility cloak as most people would define it. It is camouflage with different colors or patterns on each side with the ability to mold into different shapes to remove the shape signature of the target with a material composition that functions to hide the target in the IR and Thermal spectrum. However, as with most camouflage it can still be seen in the wrong environment and will stand out as an anomaly. If it moves as with most camouflage, it will be easily spotted. This material has been out for a number of years, but their recent press releases claims go above and beyond what an invisibility cloak should be.

Their press releases mention our Quantum Stealth patent pending invisibility cloak, but they downplay the significance by saying that it only works from certain angles and the target must be a certain distance.        While both were true of our initial Version-2 and up prototypes, Version-1 in a cylinder has always been able to hide a target completely in 360 degrees, we have developed new versions that function like Version-2 and up which work on all angles and can get much closer to the target without being seen through the material. These new versions require patent protection, so we are not ready to publish videos of them yet.    
Kit 300 camouflage sheet. Image: Polaris Solutions

BAE made similar claims to Polaris Solutions years ago (2012) that they had made a tank "invisible" but it was only in the infrared and thermal spectrums, in the visible spectrum is was clearly a tank.      
I solved this mirror image problem with Version-3 which has a "Positive Refractive Index" as demonstrated in the video below.

Ukraine Military, claims to have achieved an "Invisibilty Cloak" in 2023

Ukraine took a page from BAE and Polaris Solutions to make a similar claim with a new material. As can be seen in the video below the soldier on the left wearing the material does not glow like the two soldiers beside him, however this does not make him invisible in the visible spectrum, only from thermal sensors. I have read some claims that it also works in the NIR spectrum, however, I have not seen any evidence of that.  
While not to dismiss the significance of these technologies, I do take issue with their "invisibility cloak" marketing.

People have also questioned my use of the term "Quantum" as a hyped reference that Quantum Mechanics is behind the optical properties. This video below is Part 2 of 3 from our patent pending "Laser Scattering, Deviation and Manipulation" and does provide compelling evidence that Quantum Mechanics is at play.